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Gynnox had the pleasure of collaborating with Padaria Santa Ceia, located in the Bela Vista Sector in Goiânia.

We have developed a differentiated and exclusive project, with a layout that emphasizes self-service and encourages customer circulation so that it can happen at all points in the environment, right up to checkout.

Check out what we produce:

- Full functional layout;

- Canteen;

- Self-service breakfast buffet;

- Colonial coffe;

- Installation of customer facing pizza along with cooking;

- Table with warm and neutral farms;

- Self-service refrigerated counter for pies and sweets;

- Bread showcase;

- Polish runner (products packed at home).

We are grateful for the confidence of Padaria Santa Ceia with this incredible project.

Gynnox is always striving for our customers' success.

📞 (62) 3536-2635⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

📱 (62) 98145-1813⁣⁣⁣⁣

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